Saturday, June 25, 2011

This is a Car Rapide. I traveled a lot with this bus when I was...

Dakar, Senegal

The country that I grew up in, Senegal, is currently in the process of electing a new president. The current president is trying to tweek the system into allowing him another term, on top of that he is also pulling strings to put his son in the vice presidency, so that when Wade(the President) finally kicks it, the country stays in the family. There are riots in the streets, that some of my friends are saying have become more violent than any other in years. Basically, Senegal has the chance of becoming another Cote Voire sitiuation. I’m scared as to what this will mean for my family that live there, and for my friends that are going to school in the capital. Once again, greed is destroying a great country.

On Ngor Island. Senegal

Probably one of the stranger pictures I’ve taken lol. In the head of the controversial statue the president had built in Dakar, Senegal

Our sun roof.. sorta. I tell you, there’s no need for fans or AC when you’ve got this in the hallway.

This is a Car Rapide. I traveled a lot with this bus when I was in Senegal last year. I noticed that theres Alhamdoulilah on every Car Rapide. It works just simple: There are a few guys who just recruit people to travel with it, they shout on the streets the place where it goes, and when you have to go to the same place or a place near it, you can just go with it. They dont charge a lot of money most of the time they are happy if you just give something. I believe it is free for like, homeless people, or orphans. But to give you a negative point: When the Car Rapide is full of ppl Please watch your belonings.. cause ppl might steel your money, camera or something else. And Goodluck tryna get out of a Car Rapide when its Full…

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